News Reporting Trends & Opportunities for Media

News Reporting Trends & Opportunities for Media

Posted on 10/4/2019


Kashmir Institute of International Relations organised training workshop with the title “News Reporting Trends & Opportunities for Media” on 5 & 6 October, 2019 in Rawlakot, Azad Jammu & Kashmir. The topic was introducing news reporting trends & opportunities for journalists who are working with print and electronic media in AJK and to understand and report Kashmir issue more effectively and efficiently. For past many years Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) has worked with some of the most respected names of AJK in the field of Journalism. The KIIR forum has agreed upon the vision, which underlines the need to have exchange of information, news, views and tackling the issue of journalists' welfare.


The main objective of these training workshops is to introduce and understand new ways of News Reporting Trends and opportunities for Media to AJK journalists and to improve their work by highlighting Kashmir issue more effectively and efficiently. Another main objective of these trainings is to encourage young journalists to participate more and more in such trainings to get national & international exposure. Following are the main points of this 2 day workshop.
• Getting familiar with the new trends & opportunities for media in Journalism.
• Enhancement of journalistic skills by introducing new trends and technology tools.
• Improve news writing in media organizations and improve quality of News Reporting.
• To improve standards of News reporting and to highlight new trends and techniques.

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