Posted on 6/16/2019
On 16 June, 2019, Kashmir Institute of International Relations in collaboration with BAGH Press Club organized training workshop titled “New Media Approaches-Media & Communication in the 21st Century” for the journalists of BAGH, AJK. The main purpose of this training workshop is to get familiar with the new media approaches and communication tools in the 21st century. KIIR is promoting quality journalism in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). For past many years, KIIR has worked directly with many media houses, associations, professional journalists and freelancers in the belief that independent, vigorous media is crucial in peace building and improving human conditions.
KIIR believes in the power of journalism to promote positive change. With this conviction, training workshop was organized for the young journalists of AJK to understand the new concepts of Media Approaches. The objective was to;
• Recognize the ethical responsibility of the journalist to seek truth and report it.
• Identify the stylistic differences between print, broadcast, sports, and online journalism.
• Master writing news leads, news story structure, beat reporting, and feature writing for a variety of mass mediums.
• Develop proper grammar and word usage skills that adhere to Associated Press style.
• Acquire fundamental reporter skills including developing sources, preparing interviews, and conducting online research.
• Enhance journalistic skills by introducing new technology tools and reporting techniques.