In the wake of the recent unrest in Indian Occupied Kashmir, Kashmir Institute of International Relations organized interactive dialogue titled “Round Table Dialogue – Current Situation of IOK” in Islamabad on 9th September, 2017. The purpose of this session was to discuss the current status & ongoing situation of Indian Occupied Kashmir. The latest upsurge in violence in Kashmir caused many innocent killings and left thousands of protesters injured due to pellets and bullets. The main aim was to educate attendants about their role in Kashmir conflict and their role in their respective organizations and to get their feedback about the situation and the overall progress of our work in this area of interaction with the young leaders and the Kashmiri migrant community. With this objective, the session was started with the special prayers for the Kashmiri martyrs. A number of Kashmiri Journalist from the migrant community were part of the event for their genuine feedback. Altaf Hussain Wani, Director Programs KIIR, welcomed the participants and introduced the objectives of the session. Research students, Journalists and human rights activists attended this session.
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