Role of Young Leaders in Current Uprising in IOK, Regency Hotel Mirpur, AJK

Our Objectives
Executive Summary

Under the spirit to equip and engage mid-career political workers in a holistic debate and discussion regarding Kashmir issue, Empowerment of Kashmiri women, improving political communication, and the role of young leaders in current uprising in Jammu and Kashmir, On 15th July, 2017 Kashmir Institute of International Relations (KIIR) hosted a one day interactive dialogue at Mirpur Azad Kashmir. Young cadre from across a spectrum of political parties in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) underwent rigorous discussion programme. Second and third tier leadership from major political parties of AJK including, Ruling Pakistan Muslim League N, student leaders, Pakistan People’s Party, leaders of State Youth Assembly, lawyers, Young leaders from all political parties of AJK actively participated and benefited from the session. Mr. Altaf Hussain Wani, Director Programs Kashmir Institute of International Relations, in his welcome address highlighted the objectives of the session. This session was aimed at focusing on youth leadership to improve their role in current uprising in Indian Occupied Kashmir.

A wide range of topics and issues discussed related to Kashmir issue, the role of young cadre in party decision-making processes and analyses of existing structures of political parties, awareness programs and women empowerment came under discussion wherein a detailed discussion on the strengths and limitations of the participating parties was carried out. Besides, the participants also pondered over different opportunities to improve cross communication. One of the key themes of the session was to empower young leaders to play a more responsible role in Kashmir conflict and help political parties build more informed policy on Kashmir.


The session highlighted few things to groom young leaders with means and ways to use social media for effective political communication, building inclusive campaigning and broader outreach using Information and communication technology.  PPP AJK leaders while sharing their experiences they emphasized the importance of young, vibrant and active second and third tier leadership of political parties for bringing real change and to improve their role in solving conflict of Jammu and Kashmir. Director programs Altaf Hussain Wani said that young political leaders of AJK need to have better insight and understanding of national issues and dynamics of politics for better understanding of Kashmir conflict. He also emphasized the importance of grassroots politics which according to him is diminishing due to weakening parties. Hence, it is the responsibility of young leaders to have a deeper connectivity with masses and establish rapport to become effective leaders. He suggested that political parties should make a committee including young people from all political parties without any biasness and interlink them. Young leaders need to arrange small programs in school’s colleges and universities for awareness about Kashmir issue. Participants also suggested that KIIR needs to organize more interactive dialouge and awareness programs in these areas. Women Wing said that their parties provide equal opportunities to young people both male and female and majority of leadership comes at a grassroots level. She underlined the need of sustained dialogue between youth and political parties to bridge the generation gap. She also urged all political parties to ensure capacity building of the youth on regular basis to nurture young leadership. Altaf Wani Director Programs KIIR thanked all the participants and said that such activities would help guide and groom young leaders to improve their knowledge on Kashmir issue.

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